Dr. Christopher's Mega Monday SALE!

Almost all Dr. Christopher's products will be on sale for 30% OFF. Exclusions: books, CDs, lip balms, encapsulators, and fizz bombs.
Complete your order between Sunday at 8pm and Monday at 4pm, for the automatic 30% discount. Free shipping over $200!
Shop the whole collection HERE.
*This does not constitute medical advice.*
Kid-e-Mins (herbal vitamins and minerals in a convenient glycerine extract!)
Kid-e-Calc (a wonderful herbal formula for maintaining healthy levels of calcium in the body + calms our teething babies down)
Kid-e-Reg (no parent enjoys a child with constipation!)
Kid-e-Col (pain relief for teething babies + tummy upsets)
Kid-e-Dry (strengthen and cleanse the kidneys and bladder. Hello, potty trainers!)
Vitalerbs - (our go-to herbal multi-vitamin!)
Lower Bowel Formula / FenLB - gotta keep things moving through holiday treat days
Hormonal Changease and Female Reproductive Formula - every woman's best friend to strengthen reproductive organs and balance hormones completely naturally
Adrenal Formula / Adrenotone - wonderful herbal food for the glandular system, including stressed-out adrenal glands!
Mindtrac Formula - we've been meaning to test this one out to help our frazzled brains recover from the last 4 years of building our homestead with little ones 🤣
And of course, we always re-stock our supply of the Complete Tissue & Bone internal and external formulas, Cayenne Heat Ointment, ANTSP for muscle spasms, and X-Ceptic for disinfecting wounds!
If you are just starting out and want one great collection of Dr. Christopher's products, check out the Family Herbal Kit!